autres bonnes nouvelles (Securibourse)

par Nakama ⌂ @, samedi 31 octobre 2009, 19:23 (il y a 5496 jours) @ NadegeL

Annonce hier d'un "partenariat stratégique et capitalistique avec Fairbanks Investment Fund" à hauteur de 15 ME sous forme d'obligations à écheance fin 2014 assorties de BS à 2 euros par action ==> de quoi accélérer le développement de la société... et aussi lui ouvrir pas mal de portes aux US, et ailleurs. LIRE:>docid=78517...

Et puis bien lire cette interview fort intéressante de Steve Amstutz de TAG sur le mobile Meridiist ==> (attention chargement tres long depuis le site de ce journal des EAUs).


Luxury watchmaker TAG Heuer launched its first luxury mobile phone, the Meridiist, at a time when luxury phone makers began pulling back. The Louis Vuitton subsidiary looks at the market differently. In an interview with Emirates Business, Steve Amstutz, General Manager, TAG Heuer Luxury Mobile Phone Business Unit, said the luxury mobile phone segment – those priced $5,000 (Dh18,365) and above – will see a five-fold increase in 10 years.

"In the last two years, 100,000 phones are being sold every year. Over the next 10 years we should be looking at an industry, which would weigh between $2 billion and $3bn," he said.

The demand is so high. We are second to Vertu, which created this category 10 years ago. Vertu has been developing this business strongly in the Middle East. Tag Heuer has managed to get 10 per cent of the market share in just one year. That's an amazing performance.


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