
Compléments : about reserves (Securibourse)

par labadie ⌂ @, Chaloupe St-Leu, La Réunion, lundi 28 juillet 2008, 13:30 (il y a 5958 jours) @ Hubisan_

» The Company revised its view on long-term oil prices to US$50 per barrel
» for 2H 2007 from US$40 per barrel for 1H 2007 (2006: US$40 per barrel in
» 2006). This had the impact of reducing entitlement barrels under the PSA.
» Ceci peut paraitre anodin mais c'est assez gênant.

Bonjour Hubisan, ta remarque est juste, mais pratiquement toutes les pétrolières sont dans cette situation et les réserves nettes dépendent toujours du prix du baril à cause des contrats de partage : plus le prix du baril monte, moins la part "cost-oil" dans le contrat de partage (fiscalité faible associée à la récupération des coûts sur investissements) est importante, et plus la fiscalité globale augmente (jusqu'à une certaine limite).

Quelques infos (à vérifier) sur le CPP de dragon oil ici :>q=cache:Vjv_6pDMbWIJ:www.upi.com/Energy_Resources/2008/0...

"Cheleken's LAM and Zhdanov (later renamed Dzheihun and Dzhigalybek, respectively) fields were the largest in the contract territory. Dragon Oil had been developing the Cheleken territory since 1993 under a joint venture agreement. Under terms of the PSA, the Cheleken development was projected to generate $8.9 billion in revenues, with Turkmenistan receiving 53 percent of the profits and Dragon Oil 22 percent, with the remaining 25 percent going to recoup initial investments. The concession's reserves at the time were estimated at roughly 82.2 million tons of oil and 65 billion cubic meters of associated gas. While the two fields were discovered and exploited during the Soviet era, they were regarded as largely tapped out, but Dragon Oil was determined to redevelop them, a vision that has paid off handsomely."


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