
Probleme ecran bleu

par jmp ⌂ @, Boulogne/Mer, dimanche 19 juin 2005, 21:30 (il y a 7102 jours) @ Nounours

Est-ce que, par hasard, tu n'aurais pas un programme de protection internet Norton, parce que j'ai trouvé ça sur le net:
BSOD can have many causes, a fairly common one linked the Alcatel USB modem is when running Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall, the blue screen shows the message "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL."

The solution is to install the latest Live Update, also the issue was resolved for Symantec Desktop Firewall 2.0 and 2.01 with build 12 for 2.01.

Autre piste, la chaleur...


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