sunhydrogen (Securibourse)
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 10 février 2021, 00:09 (il y a 1478 jours)
mi décembre je me suis lancé sur Sunhydrogen.
Le bilan est largement positif pour le moment, mais je voudrais avoir vos avis sur ce pari technologique.
Cela faisait très longtemps que je m'étais retiré de la bourse et j'y suis revenu en Novembre.
J'étais venu sur ce forum échanger avec quelques uns, sous un autre nom. Je me souviens d'une Maéva je crois...
En tout cas je vous relis avec attention depuis peu, et la qualité est toujours là, parfois source d'investissement !
Merci donc pour vos avis éclairés ou vos bons mots.

Sunhydrogen, je pousse tout...
par raskolnikobimbo
, Paris, XVIIème, mercredi 10 février 2021, 03:14 (il y a 1478 jours) @ Hawkmoon
En tout cas je vous relis avec attention depuis peu, et la qualité est toujours là, parfois source d'investissement !
Merci donc pour vos avis éclairés ou vos bons mots.
...mais sur le bon mot.
Dans Sunhydrogen, ya "sun" qui veut dire que ça peut briller, ya "hydro" qui peut vouloir dire qu'il faut se mouiller et ya "gen", qui est une amputation de gène et déjà gène, ça sentait moyen. Je ne vois pas d'autres explications.
Ah si le graphique au beau fixe (pour l'instant).
Sinon avant c'était pire : Hypersolar? Y perd, le soleil? Hum...là c'est tout de même mieux.
Revenons au graphique, domaine où j'ai une vraie expertise. Me fait penser à un graphique de crypto. Le machin pilleroue et bam, il bime de feu! Du coup, faut sans doute la jouer comme une crypto. Tu la surveilles quand elle en écrase comme un sénateur après la tortore et tu colles à la queue du biquet quand le bestiau se prend un taon dans les gesticules et qu'il gicle comme un zit sous la pression éruptive de l'ado à la chetron en mode calculette! Puis tu la largues quand elle commence à buguer de la salle des fêtes.
Parce que sinon, rame que tu rames pour choper des infos. C'est le quetru dans l'air du temps. On a tout pépon sur cette planète, y reste plus que le soleil à faire suer et l'air à sucer.
It sucks!
Sunhydrogen, je pousse tout...
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 10 février 2021, 12:22 (il y a 1478 jours) @ raskolnikobimbo
Merci Bimbo
C'est effectivement comme ça, avec elle, beaucoup d'allers retours ...
Pour le fond, je suis hésitant:
Le produit a l'air simple (trop ?)et pourtant limite révolutionnaire et très vert (c'est vendeur ! ) mais la communication limitée voire vraiment amatrice ( voir la dernière comm de leur mise en route en chine avec un beau sac poubelle en vrac derrière un pauvre panneau qui semble être le produit fini...)
la perpective du robinet à dollars de Biden est peut être le seul moteur
donc il se peut que le chateau s'écroule très vite mais les rebonds sur la MM20 sont tous gagnants , pour l'instant ...
Sunhydrogen, suivez les moyennes...
par Bimbo, mercredi 10 février 2021, 16:57 (il y a 1478 jours) @ Hawkmoon
...mobiles tournées dans le sens montant de la pente. Larguez une partie sur surchauffe, gardez le solde. Ad vitam. Si le dossier est bon, vous avez une chance d'avoir une Tesla ou une Google. Au pire vous avez limité la casse en vous allégeant sur boost.
Sunhydrogen, suivez les moyennes...
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 10 février 2021, 21:13 (il y a 1477 jours) @ Bimbo
Oui merci du conseil. je surveille juste qu'elle reste bien au dessus des moyennes, car la chute peut être brutale ( on est passé aujourd'hui de -12% à -2% à l'heure où j'écris).
Le point important pour moi est l'augmentation régulière des volumes, elle intéresse de plus en plus de monde.
Cette boite est peut être une pépite , en tout cas je me persuade tout seul de cela ...
Les graphiques semblent être un bon guide, mais il faut du solide à un moment donné pour sécuriser l'ascension.
Leur communication est de très mauvaise qualité, peut être même douteuse ( coopération américano chinoise) mais ils ont désormais le soucis de donner des news chaque mois, et pour l'instant pas de bad news.
Pour continuer à appâter les pauvres petits poissons comme moi me direz vous ?
Oui certainement, mais tant que le poisson mange à sa fin il ne quitte pas sa zone de pêche. Et j'ai plutôt faim.
En tout cas merci pour vos interventions.
Sunhydrogen, il y a la place...
par Bimbo, vendredi 12 février 2021, 03:19 (il y a 1476 jours) @ Hawkmoon
Oui merci du conseil. je surveille juste qu'elle reste bien au dessus des moyennes, car la chute peut être brutale ( on est passé aujourd'hui de -12% à -2% à l'heure où j'écris).
Le point important pour moi est l'augmentation régulière des volumes, elle intéresse de plus en plus de monde.
En tout cas merci pour vos interventions.
... pour faire quelque chose. Le genre de truc qu'il ne faut plus lâcher. On peut lâcher un morceau pour amener le PRU à zéro et après on laisse filer la ligne.
Sunhydrogen, il y a la place...
par Hawkmoon, vendredi 12 février 2021, 10:05 (il y a 1476 jours) @ Bimbo
je me suis allégé hier au vu de la chute (-18.5%) et de sa cassure nette de la MM20 avec des gros volumes.
SI j'ai bien compris l'actualité (avec ma difficulté dans la langue), que je mets en cc, la vente est due exclusivement à un dégazage (écologique donc...) de la part de la boite sur des warrants en autocontrole ?
SI c'est bien cela, cela augure d'une remontée en télésiège, la boite ayant récupérer du cash, et cela montre le peu de vendeurs à part elle.
Sinon poursuite de la descente en shuss...
les montagnes russes, télésiège et descente, températures extérieurs polaires, winter is here ...
On February 11, 2021, SunHydrogen, Inc. (the "Company") filed a prospectus supplement to its registration statement on Form S-3 (Registration No. 333-252523), pursuant to Rule 424(b)(5) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, to register the sale of up to 132,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock issuable from time to time upon exercise of previously issued warrants. The warrants were issued on December 29, 2020, have an exercise price of $0.075 per share, and are exercisable until December 29, 2023.
The opinion delivered to the Company by Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP in connection with the sale of up to 132,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock issuable upon exercise of outstanding warrants is being filed herewith in accordance with the requirements of Item 601(b)(5) of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and is incorporated by reference into the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 (Registration No. 333-252523).
Sunhydrogen, il y a la place...
par Hawkmoon, vendredi 12 février 2021, 17:07 (il y a 1475 jours) @ Hawkmoon
repris une louche au niveau de la MM50, en espérant un rebond...
valeurs "vertes" US
par larvasse, vendredi 12 février 2021, 21:09 (il y a 1475 jours) @ Hawkmoon
Salut, j'en profite pour savoir si vous avez des idées de valeurs dans le domaine "vert" côtés aux USA, je connais les traditionnelles valeur hydrogène comme fuel cell energy mais après la très forte hausse j'ai du mal en fondamental à voir si elles sont toujours intéressante (en graphique oui) ou d'autres comme fuel tech.
j'ai actuellement TPI composites que j'aime bien qui me semble pas trop cher et qui a une bonne perf mais j'en cherche d'autres. Si vous avez des valeurs à proposer n'hésitez pas.
pour sun hydrogen ça a l'air intéressant mais je trouve le site un peu cheap c'est pas si facile de se faire une idée. si ça marche c'est top
valeurs "vertes" US
par Hawkmoon, samedi 13 février 2021, 09:01 (il y a 1475 jours) @ larvasse
peut etre REGI, par contre elle a déjà fait un beau parcours
pas vraiment verte mais bon, comme quasi toutes ...
valeurs "vertes" US
par larvasse, dimanche 14 février 2021, 08:17 (il y a 1474 jours) @ Hawkmoon
c'est une bonne idée, elle ne semble pas excessivement cher mais bon les biocarburants, je ne suis pas très sur du potentiel de développement si on accélère sur l'électrique et l'hydrogène. du coup je n'arrive pas vraiment à me figurer le potentiel de croissance.
la partie aviation est un potentiel mais pour le moment inexploité et le covid ne va pas inciter à s'y pencher plus à court terme.
le problème de mon lien c'est que c'est plutôt une étude européenne, pour les usa c'est plus difficile à savoir.
le plus gros potentiel de ce que j'ai pu voir aux USA est l'adoption massive du E15 de manière généralisée. (a priori E15 peut aller sur des véhicules à partir de 2001)
mais avec le plan biden pour le climat ils pourraient être favorisés:
donc finalement c'est intéressant si on crois à cela pour moi (avant que le soufflet retombe si l'adoption électrique et hydrogène est rapide). merci de l'idée
si certains ont plus d'info que mes recherches de non expert, n'hésitez pas
valeurs US
par larvasse, mardi 16 février 2021, 20:21 (il y a 1471 jours) @ larvasse
tant que l'on est sur les valeurs américaines . canadiennes, j'ai regardé passer une valeur que j'aime beaucoup dans un secteur sur lequel j'essaie d'investir depuis longtemps c'est à dire la télémédecine. j'ai eu du cegedim qui m'a longtemps déçue à un moment et j'ai surtout donc regardé reliq health mais je ne l'ai jamais prise je ne sais pas pourquoi alors que je l'aime bien. depuis quelques semaines elle enchaine des contrats structurants (dernier en date la californie) je trouve mais le cours est déjà assez haut (même si la retombée des contrats est difficile à pricer pour moi si ça se trouve elle n'est pas si cher). du coup en connaissez vous dans le secteur aux USA ou ailleurs hors de france?
valeurs des actions
par Hawkmoon, mardi 16 février 2021, 21:15 (il y a 1471 jours) @ larvasse
le secteur est d'avenir c'est sûr, mais je ne le connais pas du tout pour l'instant.
Je ne me prononce donc pas sur cette boite.
Comme quasi toutes les actions elle est au septième ciel aujourd'hui...
J'ai beaucoup allégé aujourd'hui mes positions, ma confiance en l'avenir proche étant émoussée.
Il faut dire que le secteur où j'étais essentiellement positionné, l'hydrogene, est monté très , trop fortement, en un temps ridicule.
Une purge est donc certaine, même si mon pessimisme est sûrement anticipé.
Je ne comprend pas le niveau des marchés par ces temps de crise.
Je conserve tout de même quelques titres notamment Sunhydrogen, comme on garderait dans sa poche un ticket de loterie...
Good luck donc avec cette action
PS: le temps d'écrire ce message j'en ai pris une louche quand même ...
Sunhydrogen, one year ...
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 17 février 2021, 09:11 (il y a 1471 jours) @ Hawkmoon
Bilan de la boite :
Leur technologie de nanoparticules semble marcher: ils produisent de l'hydrogene pour pas cher.( "vingt fois moins cher que la catalyse classique carbonée...)
Toutes leurs expériences, après abandon de la premiere generation de leur technologie, sont concluantes au niveau production d'hydrogene vert ( il faut juste du soleil et de l'eau pour alimenter la bécane), et il est possible d'alimenter la consommation électrique d'une maison pour une petite micro station ou d'une communauté pour une plus grande station.
Les tests de fiablilité, de durée de production, sont plutôt concluants.
ils parlent de démonstration dans le monde, de commercialisation, mais c'est encore un peu vague.
aucun revenu, pertes en nette augmentation pour développer et expérimenter leur technologie.
les perpectives sont: à ce rythme, la boite déclare pouvoir continuer au moins un an, à moins de trouver un nouveau financement, ou de cesser le développement actuel.
ils semblent optimistes pour trouver un nouveau partenaire dans l'année, "si les conditions sont acceptables". Ils ne veulent pas se prostituer apparemment.
Mon avis: la base technique est bonne et prometteuse, sur un secteur essentiel et porteur, mais c'est encore très tôt pour parler rentrée d'argent ou rentabilité
Je n'ai pas vu de brevet ???, mais je l'ai peut être juste pas trouvé
A mon sens :
solution 1 : partenaire trouvé, augmentation de capital, je perd provisoirement un peu d'argent. L'aventure continue . Je pourrai peut être continuer à gagner de l'argent avec du temps ...
solution 2 : la boite est vendue dans l'année: avec de bonnes perpectives, bon prix , je gagne de l'argent,
solution 3 : la boite coule, j'ai tout perdu
Je prefere la 2 mais la 1 me semble plus réaliste, je compte sur Biden pour m'aider, et je reste dessus !
A vous lire pour vos éventuels avis
en copie la com
si j'ai raté quelques chose n;hésitez pas à me le signaler, maille taylore ise note riche !
02/16/2021 | 05:30pm EST
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Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The information in this discussion may contain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding our capital needs, business strategy and expectations. Any statements that are not of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. In some cases you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "intend," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," or "continue", the negative of the terms or other comparable terminology. Actual events or results may differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in the forward-looking statements. In evaluating these statements, you should consider various factors, including the risks included from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements. We disclaim any obligation to publicly update these statements, or disclose any difference between actual results and those reflected in these statements, except as may be required under applicable law.
Unless the context otherwise requires, references in this Form 10-Q to "we," "us," "our," or the "Company" refer to SunHydrogen, Inc.
At SunHydrogen, our goal is to replace fossil fuels with clean renewable hydrogen.
We refer to our technology as the SunHydrogenH2Generator or panel which is comprised of the following components:
1. The Generator Housing - Novel device design is the first of its type to safely separate oxygen and hydrogen in the water splitting process without sacrificing efficiency. This device houses the water, the solar particles/cells and is designed with inlets and outlets for water and gasses. Utilizing a novel ion-exchange membrane strategy for separating the oxygen side from the hydrogen side, ion transport is increased which is the key to safely increasing solar-to-hydrogen efficiency. Our design can be scaled up and manufactured for commercial use.
2. The NanoParticle or Solar Cell - Our patented nanoparticle consists of billions of tiny solar cells capped with catalysts that are electrodeposited into one tiny structure to provide the charge that splits the water molecule when the sun excites the electron.
3. Oxygen Evolution Catalyst - This proprietary catalyst developed at the University of Iowa lab is uniformly applied onto the solar cell or nanoparticle and efficiently oxidize water molecule to generate oxygen gas. The oxygen evolution catalyst must be robust to withstand the long operating hours of the hydrogen generation device to ensure long lifetime. It must be stable in alkaline, neutral and acidic environments.
4. Hydrogen Evolution Catalyst - Necessary for collecting electrons to reduce protons for generating hydrogen gas, we have successfully integrated a low-cost hydrogen catalyst into our generator system successfully coating a triple junction solar cell with a catalyst comprised primarily of ruthenium, carbon and nitrogen that can function as well as platinum, the current catalyst used for hydrogen production, but at one twentieth of the cost.
5. Coating Technologies - Two major coating technologies were developed to protect the nanoparticles and solar cells from photocorrosion under water. A transparent conducive coating to protect our nanoparticles and solar cells from photo corrosion and efficiently transfer charges to catalysts for oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions. A polymer combination that protects the triple junction solar cells from any corrosive water environments for long lifetime of the hydrogen generation device.
6. A concentrator equal to two suns - This inexpensive Fresnel lens concentrator to increase sunlight to equal two suns reduces our necessary footprint for a 1000 KG per day system.
In the process of optimizing our nanoparticles to be efficient and only during experimentation with earth abundant materials (an ongoing process), we experimented with commercially available triple junction silicon solar cells to perform tests with our generator housing and other components. Through this experimentation, our discovery led us to believe that we could bring a system (Gen 1) to market utilizing these readily available cells while our nanoparticles are still being optimized. While these solar cells also absorb the sunlight and produce the necessary charge for splitting the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, their efficiency is low, thus we have made the strategic decision to focus on our NanoParticle strategy (Gen 2) and use these hydrogen generators for proof of concept and demonstration purposes only. We anticipate these hydrogen panels will be demonstrated in various parts of the world to as further proof of concept of our technology and to promote our nanoparticle technology that will be more efficient and economical.
Our business and commercialization plan utilizes our second generation of hydrogen panels featuring the nanoparticle based technology where billions of autonomous solar cells are electrodeposited onto porous alumina sheets and manufactured in a roll to roll process or wafer process and inserted into our proprietary panels. For this generation, we have received multiple patents and it is estimated that it will produce hydrogen for less than $4 per kilogram before pressurization.
Our team at the University of Iowa reached a milestone of 1000 consecutive hours of continuous hydrogen production utilizing completely immersed solar cells with no external biases achieving simulated production equal to one year. We believe this to be a record for completely immersed cells. Now ready to take our technology out of the lab, we are working with several vendors to help commercialize and manufacture our renewable hydrogen panels that use sunlight and water to generate hydrogen.
We anticipate that the SunHydrogenH2Generator will be a self-contained renewable hydrogen production system that requires only sunlight and any source of water. As a result, it can be installed almost anywhere to produce hydrogen fuel at or near the point of distribution, for local use. We believe this model of hydrogen production addresses one of the biggest challenges of using clean hydrogen fuel on a large scale - the transportation of hydrogen.
Each stage of the SunHydrogenH2Generator can be scaled independently according to the hydrogen demands and length of storage required for a specific application. A small-scale system can be used to produce continuous renewable electricity for a small house, or a large scale system can be used to produce hydrogen to power a community.
Critical Accounting Policies
Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and related disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates, including those related to impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, deferred tax assets and fair value computation using the Binomial valuation option pricing model. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions, such as the trading value of our common stock and estimated future undiscounted cash flows, that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions; however, we believe that our estimates, including those for the above-described items, are reasonable.
Use of Estimates
In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States, management utilizes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. These estimates and assumptions relate to useful lives and impairment of tangible and intangible assets, accruals, income taxes, stock-based compensation expense, Binomial lattice valuation model inputs, derivative liabilities and other factors. Management believes it has exercised reasonable judgment in deriving these estimates. Consequently, a change in conditions could affect these estimates.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Fair value of financial instruments requires disclosure of the fair value information, whether or not recognized in the balance sheet, where it is practicable to estimate that value. As of December 31, 2020, the amounts reported for cash, accrued interest and other expenses, notes payables, and derivative liability approximate the fair value because of their short maturities.
We adopted ASC Topic 820 for financial instruments measured as fair value on a recurring basis. ASC Topic 820 defines fair value, established a framework for measuring fair value in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and expands disclosures about fair value measurements.
Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
Management reviewed currently issued pronouncements during the six months ended December 31, 2020, and does not believe that any recently issued, but not yet effective, accounting standards if currently adopted would have a material effect on the accompanying condensed financial statements. Pronouncements disclosed in notes to the financials.
Results of Operations for the Three months ended December 31, 2020 compared to Three Months Ended December 31, 2019.
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses for the three months ended December 31, 2020 were $2,731,648 compared to $450,230 for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The net increase of $2,281,418 in operating expenses consisted primarily of an increase in professional fees of $1,812,312, an increase in salary expense of $185,000, an increase in research and development of $335,147, an increase in marketing expense of $15,480, an overall increase in other expenses of $7,008, with a decrease in non-cash stock compensation expense of $73,529.
Other Income/(Expenses)
Other income and (expenses) for the three months ended December 31, 2020 were $(122,388,733) compared to $(2,830,056) for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The increase in other expenses of $(119,558,677) was the result of the non-cash loss in net change in derivative of $119,492,798, interest expense of $66,327, which includes the net change in amortization of debt discount of $36,010, with an increase in other income of $448.
Net Income/(Loss)
For the three months ended December 31, 2020, our net loss was $(125,120,381) as compared to net loss of $(3,280,286) for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The majority of the increase in net loss of $121,840,095, was related primarily to the increase in net change of derivative instruments estimated each period. These estimates are based on multiple inputs, including the market price of our stock, interest rates, our stock price, volatility, variable conversion prices based on market prices defined in the respective agreements and probabilities of certain outcomes based on managements' estimates. These inputs are subject to significant changes from period to period, therefore, the estimated fair value of the derivative liabilities will fluctuate from period to period, and the fluctuation may be material. The Company has not generated any revenues.
Results of Operations for the Six months ended December 31, 2020 compared to Six Months Ended December 31, 2019.
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses for the six months ended December 31, 2020 were $3,310,134 compared to $966,126 for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The net increase of $2,344,008 in operating expenses consisted primarily of an an increase in research and development expense of $330,013, increase in professional fees of $1,980,016, increase in marketing expense of $41,425, an increase in salary of $185,000, an increase in insurance expense of $18,053, with a decrease in non-cash stock compensation expense of $208,487, and a decrease in other operating expenses of $2,012.
Other Income/(Expenses)
Other income and (expenses) for the six months ended December 31, 2020 were $(124,015,577) compared to $(3,566,896) for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The increase in other expenses of $(120,448,681) was the result of the non-cash loss in net change in derivative of $120,438,477, interest expense of $10,652, which includes the net change in amortization of debt discount of $36,010, and an increase in other income of $448.
Net Income/(Loss)
For the six months ended December 31, 2020, our net loss was $(127,325,711) as compared to net loss of $(4,533,022) for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The majority of the increase in net loss of $122,792,689, was related primarily to the increase in net change of derivative instruments estimated each period. These estimates are based on multiple inputs, including the market price of our stock, interest rates, our stock price, volatility, variable conversion prices based on market prices defined in the respective agreements and probabilities of certain outcomes based on managements' estimates. These inputs are subject to significant changes from period to period, therefore, the estimated fair value of the derivative liabilities will fluctuate from period to period, and the fluctuation may be material. The Company has not generated any revenues.
Liquidity is the ability of a company to generate funds to support its current and future operations, satisfy its obligations, and otherwise operate on an ongoing basis. Significant factors in the management of liquidity are funds generated by operations, levels of accounts receivable and accounts payable and capital expenditures.
As of December 31, 2020, we had a working capital deficit of $166,808,406 as compared to $60,459,862 as of June 30, 2020. This increase in working capital deficit of $106,348,544 was due primarily to an increase in cash, accrued expenses, derivative liability, and convertible notes, with a decrease in prepaid expenses, and accounts payable.
Cash used in operating activities was $(2,872,831) for the six months ended December 31, 2020 compared to $(323,673) for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The increase in cash used in operating activities was due to an increase in research and development cost and professional fees. The Company has had no revenues.
Cash used in investing activities during the six months ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 was $53,961 and $781, respectively. The increase in investing activities was due to the purchase of tangible asset in the current period.
Cash provided by financing activities during the six months ended December 31, 2020 was $20,092,300 net of commission fees and $346,500 for the prior period ended December 31, 2019. The increase in cash provided in financing activities was due to selling equity securities in the current period. Our ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon raising capital through financing transactions and future revenue. Our capital needs have primarily been met from the proceeds of private placements and registered offerings of our securities, as we currently have not generated any revenues.
The condensed financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis of accounting, which contemplates continuity of operations, realization of assets and liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business. The accompanying condensed financial statements do not reflect any adjustments that might result if we are unable to continue as a going concern. During the six months ended December 31, 2020, we did not generate any revenues, and incurred a net loss of $127,325,711, which was primarily associated with the non-cash loss in change in derivative liability, and we had a working capital deficiency of $166,808,406 and a shareholders' deficit of $167,857,749 as of December 31, 2020. These factors, among others raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. Our independent auditors, in their report on our audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020, expressed substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. Our ability to continue as a going concern ultimately is dependent on our ability to generate revenue, which is dependent upon our ability to obtain additional equity or debt financing, attain further operating efficiencies and, ultimately, achieve profitable operations. We have historically obtained funds from investors through the sale of our securities. Management believes that we will be able to continue to raise funds through the sale of our securities to existing and new investors. Management believes that funding from existing and prospective new investors and future revenue will provide the additional cash needed to meet our obligations as they become due, and will allow the development of our core business operations.
Our plan of operation within the next twelve months is to further research, develop, and protect our technology.
We believe that our current cash balances will be sufficient to support development activity, intellectual property protection, and all general and administrative expenses for at least the next year. We are investigating additional financing alternatives, including continued equity and/or debt financing. There can be no assurance that capital in any form would be available to us, and if available, on terms and conditions that are acceptable. If we are unable to obtain sufficient funds, we may be forced to reduce the size of our operations, which could have a material adverse impact on, or cause us to curtail and/or cease the development of our products.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We do not have any off-balance sheet arrangements that are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial condition, revenues or expenses, result of operations, liquidity or capital expenditures.
© Edgar Online, source Glimpses
Sunhydrogen, partenariat !
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 17 février 2021, 13:56 (il y a 1471 jours) @ Hawkmoon
Pour contredire ce que je disais plus haut, partenariat signé avec Schmid, groupe industriel allemand, pour une étude industrielle d'une éventuelle commercialisation de Gen2. L'étude sera finalisée courant de cette année !
Ca sent bon ...
Sunhydrogen, one year ...
par Hawkmoon, mercredi 17 février 2021, 14:38 (il y a 1471 jours) @ Hawkmoon
et j'ai bien trouvé le brevet, déposé sous Hypersolar, je cherchais avec Sunhydrogen ...